The Intuitive Decision
Shop A Chinese Garden Court: The Astor Court At The Metropolitan Museum Of Art
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You Will Learn:
- how to tell the difference between what is your inner wisdom and what is the influence of other people. This helps you to trust your own wisdom!
- how to get other people’s agendas, opinions, ideas and demands out of your space and out of your mind.
- techniques to keep you grounded and out of information overload.
- the art of how to Pause.
- how to develop complete certainty in any situation.
- tools to establishing your boundaries with other people.
- a variety of exercises to help you determine exactly what is right for you and best for your situation.
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Bonus #1
Included when you get your access to The Intuitive Decision Tool Kit are 5 bonus exercises for bringing healing into your life. These unique tools will help you tap into the healing power available to you at all times.
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Private Q&A call for The Intuitive Decision community. A valuable opportunity to ask questions about the exercises and techniques. Only available for a limited time! Get your Tool Kit now so you can participate on this call.
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